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Our Studio

We've loved every minute of our journey so far... 

What we want for our Students...

-Increased confidence

To become self-confident children, young people and adults in all aspects of life.

-Develop as a performer

Have access to high quality teaching in a range of disciplines.

-Memories that last a life time

Access to opportunities shared with lifelong friends.

-A sense of belonging

To feel safe and secure to express themselves freely.


Freedoms Inclusion Mission...

We strive to provide equal access to our dance school, for all dancers and performers. We will make any adjustments possible to enable a dancer or performer to access and get the most out of our school. The only reasons we will not accept someone at Freedom is:

* If the building prevents them from accessing classes

* If we believe they have a negative effect on the school after all efforts have been made to engage them in our ethos.

Our Principles...

Fully inclusive - We welcome anyone and everyone into our school regardless of age, race, gender or ability.

Professional - We are professional and uphold high standards throughout.

Passionate - We are passionate about the arts and creativity.

Inspire - We encourage our students

to flourish.

Challenge - We push our students to fulfil

their potential and be the best they can be!

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